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Year 12 Graduation

100% SACE Completion Achieved in 2019


Our congratulations to all students whose results reflect the very best outcome of which they were capable, as they have attained their own personal excellence, and there is no more that we can ask of ourselves than that.

Summary of our Year 12 SACE Results 2019

  • SACE completion was achieved by 100% of our 64 students, an outstanding achievement reflecting the commitment of our students and Year 12 staff who have guided them and facilitated their learning all year.
  • 3 students achieved an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank in the 90s (top 10% of the state), with a further 7 in the 80s (top 20% of the state).
  • The College Dux with an ATAR of 93.35 is Julian Ramos. Our congratulations to Julian on his outstanding achievements, which we look forward to presenting him with the St Scholastica College Dux shield at our Academic Assembly in February 2020.
  • Significant levels of attainment have been achieved by students in Vocational Learning, including students attaining full completion of Certificate IIs and IIIs, contributing significantly for a number of students in the attainment of their SACE.
  • Stage 2 grades overall (including Year 11 Stage 2 RE results) were:
    • As   20.6%
    • Bs   44.9%
    • Cs   27.8%
    • Ds   5.1%
    • Es   1.4%

This represents a 93.3% achievement level at C- or better across all Stage 2 enrolments, with more than two thirds of all enrolments resulted in the A or B bands.

Congratulations to all who have been a part of supporting this group of students in their learning and wellbeing to enable them to achieve this fine set of outcomes, and thank you to our families for working in partnership with us.