Student Leadership

Senior Student Leaders

The Year 11 and 12 Student Leaders of our College are elected through a process involving staff and students. These leaders represent and live the values that are expressed in the example of our patron, St Francis de Sales. Two Year 12 students from the team are selected through an interview process to be the College Captains. This team also includes the four Year 12 House Captains.

Junior School Captains

Two Year 6 students are elected to be the Junior School Captains. These students work closely with the senior student leadership team in service of the College and the broader community.

House Captains and House Student Leaders

Our House Teams foster collaboration, teamwork, perseverance and respect. Each House is named after a significant place in the life of the man, St Francis de Sales. He was born at Thorens in Duchy of Savoy on 21 August 1567 (Blue House); studied law and theology at Padua in 1588 (Green House); he became Bishop of Geneva and Doctor of the Universal Church (Red House); and he died at Lyon on 28 December 1622 (Gold House). St Francis de Sales reformed religious communities and his goodness, patience and mildness for those in need was memorable. He is the patron saint of writers and journalists; an inspiring role model from whom we can learn.

A senior student is elected to be the House Captain of each of the four Houses. The House Captains are supported by a House Student Leader in Years 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10. These students represent their House in all aspects of the College, including community, sporting and social justice activities.

FIA Group (pronounced ‘Fire’)

The Faith-in-Action (FIA) group are a social justice and ecology group linked to the College charism. They network with charity organisations such as the St Vincent de Paul Society, Catherine House and Caritas. It is open to all students to be a part of, as a volunteer in social justice. Within the group, three student leaders are elected. These positions are President; Secretary; and Treasurer. These leaders model servant-leadership and work closely with the Senior Student Leadership Team, and also the local Mount Barker Parish and Vinnies Op Shop.

Student Representative Council

The Student Representative Council offers students the capacity for engaging with Student Leadership from R-6. This is a commitment of 12 months and involves leadership training and coaching, liaison with staff at the College, running of class meetings and involvement in fundraising and social justice activities. Students holding these positions are voted for by their peers during Term 1 and work closely with the Senior Student Leadership Team for that period.